Senin, 28 September 2015



USB flash drive of the new generation for the long-term archiving of data and multiple applications: Videos, multimedia, pictures, text- and graphic documents, data backups etc.

This device contains a high quality ballpoint pen plus a state of the art USB flash drive. Simply remove the silver cap on the back of the pen to use the USB flash drive. Your data always at hand - it is that easy!

2/4/8GB storage capacity.


Senin, 14 September 2015

Tugas 2

Stopmotion Edisi Gunung Papandayan & Ngemil Doeloe
Created by : Arief Yusandi | Mohammad Ricky Tri Putra Pahlawan

Senin, 07 September 2015

Tugas 1

Part 1

All of Me - John Legend (Cover By Jasmine Thompson)

Syairnya begitu dalam, terutama bagian chorus-nya dan seolah mengungkapkan bagaimana seorang pria yang sangat jatuh cinta pada pasangannya yang kini menjadi istrinya. Model video klipnya adalah John Legend dan istrinya, Chrissy TeigenFeel lagunya tergambar jelas di sana bagaimana John mencintai segala yang ada pada diri istrinya.
Penggalan syair favorit saya adalah…
You’re my downfall, you’re my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you

Seharusnya pria manapun di dunia menerima apapun yang ada pada diri pasangan hidupnya karena penerimaan pertanda sebuah ketulusan hubungan walaupun dalam perjalanannya mungkin ada hal-hal yang harus diperbaiki. Inner beauty dari seorang istri adalah hal yang paling membuat suami terpikat, jadi kita sebagai perempuan harus pintar mengasah perasaan agar suami mampu ‘mencerna’ bagaimana perasaan kita padanya.

Sumber :

Part 2

What a wonderful world - LOUIS ARMSTRONG.
Louis Armstrong, yang juga memiliki nama samaran Satchmo, semasa hidupnya dari tahun 1901 hingga 1971 dikenal sebagai musisi jazz yang piawai. Tidak hanya sebagai penyanyi, namun juga sebagai pemain trumpet, band leader, juga sekaligus sebagai entertainer yang dicintai banyak orang. Satchmo pula lah yang dikenal banyak mengembangkan style swing, yang kemudian menjadi dasar dari kebanyakan musik jazz dan RnB saat ini. Juga jangan lupakan pula jasanya dalam mengembangkan bentuk dasar improvisasi dalam musik jazz.
Kontras sekali dengan kehidupan awalnya yang didera kemiskinan dan bahkan tidak sempat mengenyam pendidikan di bangku sekolah menengah, Louis Armstrong menuai kesuksesan dalam karir musiknya dan kemudian menjadi semacam duta tak resmi bagi Amerika dalam bidang musik. Dalam perjalanan karirnya Louis Armstrong telah tampil di berbagai belahan dunia dan mengeluarkan banyak hits seperti “Mack The Knife”, “Hello Dolly”, “Blueberry Hill”, “When You Wish Upon a Star”, dan juga tentu saja “What A Wonderful World”
Nah, bicara tentang “What A Wonderful World”, lagu ini menjadi menarik untuk dibahas karena dalam pemahaman saya seolah-olah di dalam lagu ini Louis Armstrong mengajak kita untuk senantiasa memandang dunia dari sisi positif, memandang dunia dengan penuh rasa optimis, seburuk apapun keadaan nyatanya. Sekarang coba bayangkan. Semasa Louis Armstrong hidup, rasisme hidup begitu subur di Amerika. Adanya rasisme menyebabkan warga kulit hitam—tak terkecuali Louis Armstrong—kehilangan banyak haknya di ruang publik. Warga kulit hitam dibedakan dengan warga kulit putih hanya untuk sekedar menikmati fasilitas umum, bahkan warga kulit hitam juga diburu dikejar-kejar untuk kemudian dibunuh—seperti yang dilakukan oleh organisasi teror Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Pendek kata, saat itu warga kulit hitam tak lebih dari hanya sekedar warga negara kelas kambing, dan saya yakin ini bukanlah hal yang menyenangkan bagi para warga Afro-American tersebut. Tapi secara kontras, Louis Armstrong malah berkata-kata dalam lagunya:
I see trees are green, red roses too..
I see them bloom for me and you..
And I think to myself:
“What a wonderful world…”
Wah, bagi saya ini sesuatu yang luar biasa..
Nah, kalau kita lihat kondisi dunia saat ini yang acakadut—perang di satu sisi, ketimpangan sosial merajalela, kejahatan menggila, bencana alam mendera, terorisme dimana-mana, belum lagi kekerasan antar umat beragama—lantas timbul pertanyaan skeptis: “Masihkah dunia dapat menjadi tempat tinggal yang indah dan nyaman bagi kita semua?”, mari kita dengarkan lagi kata-kata Louis Armstrong:
The colours of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands, sayin’ “how do you do?”
They’re really sayin’ “I love you”
I hear babies cryin’, I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know
And I think to myself: “what a wonderful world”
Sumber :

soccer for peace #2

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there"

-- Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi

Soccer for Peace is a non-profit organization aiming to unite children of war-torn nations in their shared love of soccer. Based in New York City, the organization has no affiliation; political, religious or otherwise.

Originally conceived as a one-time event, Soccer for Peace has blossomed into an ongoing peace-building effort. In 2005 we held our first ever overnight camp, providing intensive soccer training and dialogue workshops to 25 Arab and 25 Jewish children. In 2006 we repeated the effort, albeit on a far larger scale. We returned in 2007, this time in partnership with the Maccabim Association, the community services arm of famed soccer club Maccabi Tel Aviv. In that same year we also launched our after-school program, such that campers and new participants could continuously partake in the same mix of programs.

Though conflict exists in every corner of the world, so too does soccer; the most watched and played sport on earth. United in their love of the game, participants in our programs form organic relationships, implicit in which are the trust and respect necessary for constructive dialogue. With this as our guiding principle, Soccer for Peace believes that sport can serve as both a metaphor and vehicle for peace in our time.

Soccer for Peace

"Goals of Peace" Camper Survey Results Proof of Strong Positive Impact

This year's summer camp was held at the Nir HaEmek youth village in the Wadi Ara region. For 4 days and 3 nights, 74 children ages 10-15 participated in camp activities; 39 of these children were Arab and 35 were Jewish. 32 of the Arab campers and 25 of the Jewish campers responded to the survey. The results show the strong positive impact the camp makes on all of its campers.

sfp-2014-IMG 8088The camp consisted of mixed groups, both Jews and Arabs, with each team led by several Jewish and Arab counselors and a soccer coach. A group of the Jewish children are players from the league that play regularly and are affiliated with Barkai; the Arab children came to camp through the Welfare Ministry's non-formal education department, all of the Arab campers where from low socio-economic backgrounds. The campers came from three villages affiliated with the Menashe Regional Council, Eleran, Meisar, and Umm at Katuf.
The camp's programming included soccer practices and tournaments between all the campers. The soccer practices were accompanied by educational dialogue, problem solving and group activities covering the topics of identity and "the other". The camp was also a great social outlet for the campers who had access to the village's pool and cultural activities.

As part of our evaluation of the camp, we conducted a survey amongst the participants, just as we did in previous years. The results show the strong positive impact the camp makes on all of its campers.

For a complete report on the survey, click here!
